Premium Crops

How we gave Premium Crops the tools to better harvest their data

How we help Premium Crops

“Our system had grown over many years and we were delighted when First Option Software came and took responsibility for maintaining and enhancing our system.  Its now much improved, enabling us to grow our business and concentrate on what we do best”.

Andrew Probert, Managing Director

As leaders in specialist crops, Premium Crops have a close relationship with both growers and customers. Managing this relationship is key to their business, so Premium Crops approached First Option Software to make improvements to their existing Microsoft Access based system.

A better field of view

With large orders, fulfilled by multiple growers with storage and transportation costs to consider, it is important that Premium Crops have a good overview of supply and availability, along with all the supporting information available at their fingertips. While their old system contained all of the necessary information, it lacked visibility over key data. Information was held under levels of hierarchy and navigation, making administration and sales management decisions difficult and time consuming.

System takeover

The first step to implementing the required functionality was understanding Premium Crop’s existing Microsoft Access system. As well as new screens, we were tasked with usability improvements to existing screens throughout. With detailed discussions, meetings and the creation of a local development environment, developer Cris was able to become an expert in Premium Crop’s system.

With a detailed understanding, we were able to begin development of the new screens. Microsoft Access is not renowned for its aesthetic capabilities but working with our design team, Cris was able to apply good usability principles, providing Premium Crops with the best possible view on their data.

Enabling Growth

With our first project successfully delivered, First Option Software have continued to work with Premium Crops on various enhancements and changes to the system.  To facilitate Premium Crop’s growth the system has recently been upgraded to SQL Server hosted in our secure datacentre.  This enhances flexibility of access and gives them plenty of system scaling options as the company grows.

This flexibility and capacity allows Premium Crops to stay ahead of the curve and constantly improve their business processes knowing their database system can keep pace.